Saturday, 22 September 2012

My Fiancee Has Had Many Abortions… I Wanted to Marry Her But...

I am about to marry the love of my life, but am now a confused man. I am contemplating calling off the wedding.I met this beautiful saved girl at our church at Valley Road and immediately fell in love. We started dating almost immediately and over years of a beautiful blissful relationship I engaged her.
Our wedding is to be held in December and recently I found out something about her that has left me stirred. At a counseling session, our pastor advised us to open up our hidden closets and she admitted to me that she has had 7 abortions since she was 13 years of age.

She has changed after her last abortion two years ago and she is now a church deaconess. I do not know what to do. Should I marry such a woman? I am worried, we may never have children due to her past.
Please help before I call off the wedding. So people what do you advice to quit or continue?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like Jesus said to the adulteress, he who has no sin...
however, you need to deal with the following: Is she genuinely saved? Has she changed? Is she sincere with her christain walk? The worst is her inability to conceive but not a closed case. Also, is she going to be sleeping with other men still? So many people with history of abortions concieve immediately after wedding. However, U should ask Urself how to deal with any of the following scenarios - inability to conceive, need for IVF/ICSI, adoption, ability to forgive and forget her past. If U cant reasonably deal with these, then U may need to move on to avoid a lifetime of heartache but seek God's face.
Many people find themselves in desperate situations either for survival or lack of self control but the issue is, has the person changed? You need to get to the root of her past lifestlye and know (with help of counsellors) whether she's truly changed.... Deaconess in 2years....hmmm not as if it should take 10m years but has she truly changed?