Friday 1 March 2013

What Exactly Does Women Want From Men?

Some spend their entire lives trying to figure out what girls want from guys, and it seems like a constant uphill battle. There are so many theories, stereotypes and role models, and how they clash with what we see around us! The media perpetuate the image of the self-made queen that demands respect from men, but in reality, women seem to want rude behavior and expensive gifts – or do they? We wreck our brains trying to figure it what women want from men – and in the process, everybody loses. But it could be so simple! Imagine a world in which women could simply be feminine, and men masculine. Today, let’s explore what that means.
Strength, confidence, leadership qualities
When you think of a “masculine” man, who do you imagine? Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, Duke Nukem? If so, you may be overdoing it a bit, but you’re on the right track: even though a few decades of feminism have ingrained the image of the strong, independent, self-made woman into society’s collective brain, our biological programming is still there, and it’s just a tad older: the classic strong and confident leader, the one that can kick some butt to protect the ladies, is still a very attractive one.

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