Monday, 15 October 2012

Jennifer Aniston Invites Brad Pitt's Mum To Watch Her Wed Justin Theroux!

 jennifer-aniston-jane-pitt-justin-theroux-wedding-invite-brad-pitt-unwelcome same sex marriage
We thought most people only invited ex-mother-in-laws to take long walks off short piers!!
Even though he hasn't been with her for the better part of a decade, it looks like Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt's mama still get along!
Jen and Justin Theroux invited Jane Pitt to witness their upcoming nuptials and apparently she's delighted to watch them tie their metaphorical knots together!
One source close to the situation explained how the two ladies still remain friends:

“Jane is thrilled that Jennifer has found happiness again. She has been on the end of the phone and in person offering advice and support for the past seven years. She wouldn’t miss Jen’s wedding for anything.”
Brad and Angelina Jolie, meanwhile, continue to wait patiently by their mailbox for their invitation, LOLz!!
As excited as we are for Jen and Justin, they are perhaps lucky Jane approves of their relationship at all!
Let us not forget how
intolerant she's been of certain types of love in the past!!
If Jen married another lovely lady OR if Justin said "I do" to another hunk of a man, we wonder whether Jane would attend the ceremony… or protest it??
Mama Pitt, as you sit in the audience watching Justin and Jen cement their ah-mazingly perfect love for each other on what we know will be one of the greatest days of their lives, we beg you to ask yourself one question:
Why would you ever want to deny a same-sex couple those same
immeasurable feelings of joy?

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