Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Multiple Accident on Lekki/Epe Express Way by PAN African University Gate.

                        A pregnant woman drives this badly damaged Honda CRV

The accident occured at about 9:30 am today involving this honda CRV above and seven (7) other cars including articulated trucks...the truck was carrying full load of sharp sand coming from sand dump along awoyaya with top speed and suddenly skidded off the wet road from his lane to face the ongoing vehicle on the other lane, the oncoming the honda lost control and tumble severally and the truck head on collision with the other truck and the other truck too lost control and tumble into a ditch...while other cars hit one another.
 the driver of one of the truck died immediately while the pregnant woman driving the honda was in coma and other pasengers were badly injured....all casualities were taking to the near by hospital..for immediate attention.

Safety rescue came from FRSC,LASTMA and TRAFFIC officer and others from Ajiwe Police Station Ajah.

           the red truck and the car also involved in the accident
                                 Driver of this truck died immediately

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