Friday 26 October 2012

Tonto Dikeh Set for her Single Musical Video

They say when you have a dream,believe in it and see it to the end. That's exactly what Tonto Dikeh is doing.She had dreams of making music which would be heard by millions and this came to pass as her singles have recorded over 5.2 million downloads
 She spoke to Stella Dimo kokorkus on her plans,her music and shooting videos.Continue after the cut
What prompted you into singing?
I love music and I wanted to do my own thing, to contribute my own music.

You got monstrous negative response to both singles. How did feel with all the attacks?

I listened to my songs over and over again and I told myself I did well. In all I see only the positivity in it,I made History.
Peoples opinion of how my music was has further strengthened my belief that dreams die when you let the next man’s opinion get to you and I am using now to pass a message to everyone out there, if you can just do it. Don’t let anyone’s opinion kill whatever dream you have or try to stop you from taking the next step.
You tweeted that you were not giving up. Does that mean you will become actively involved in music?
I love my acting career and I don’t see myself jumping into full time music. I am however shooting the musical video of my songs,I will not let the hating stop me.

You released your song on Wednesday October 17, 2012 and two days later despite the negativity your song had hit 5.2 million download on the internet. How do you feel?
The most unanticipated and hated song became the most talked about,most controversial,most downloaded and of course the most listened song.I feel great Stella, no regrets.!

We look forward to the musical videos.till then I am sure comedians will soon add
Your song jokes to their shows.
Hopefully. Thank you and here’s a loud shout out and thank you to everyone who stood up for me.

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